Bodies in revolt
Présenté par Federica Castelli
Doctorante italienne en philosophie politique qui travaille sur le lien entre corps, conflit et politique en focalisant sur la dimension corporelle des révolts et des occupations.
Protests, occupations, revolts : the latest years have been marked by a centrality of the
body, that has become the essential protagonist of the political scene of movements. Bodies that
occupy, run, resist, and sometimes fight. Demonstrators and policemen, their bodies occupy medias’ discourse, overshadowing with their corporeal, physical, visible presence that one that could be defined the “invisible politics”, made through institutions, representative and rooted in delegation. These bodies do incarnate something different, something that it’s not the governmental politics, and place themselves in the public scenery as embodied subjectivities, as a whole of bodies and passion for a different kind of politics. This politics rises from human contact and relationships and it’s made by exchanges, refusing delegation and competitiveness and moving on the different dimension of a common space of existence established together, beyond law and power in politics. This is the meaning Hannah Arendt has given to politics (one among all, we shall remember her essential work, The Human Condition, published in 1958) that it’s the same background on which feminists and thinkers of sexual difference have started their political practises from Seventies to nowadays. It is a position that looks at politics as rooted in concrete lives, as a shared reality where every subjectivity can enter the common dimension of inter homine esse, a shared and participated space of interaction in freedom, opening up to the common world without losing their own singularity.